Infatuation is instant desire. It is one set of glands calling to another.
Love, on the other hand, is friendship that has caught fire. It takes root and grows - one day at a time.
Infatuation is marked by a feeling of insecurity, you are excited and eager, but not genuinely happy. There are nagging doubts, unanswered questions, little bits and pieces about your beloved that you would just as soon not examine too closely. It might spoil the dream.
Love is the quiet understanding and mature acceptance of imperfection. It is real, it gives you strength and grows beyond you - to bolster your beloved. You are warned by his/her presence, even when is away. Long distances do not separate you. You want him/her near, but near or far, you know he/she is yours and you can wait.
Infatuation says, "We must get married right away. I can't risk losing him/her."
Love says, "Be patient, Don't Panic. He/she is yours. Plan your future with confidence."
Infatuation has an element of sexual excitement. If you are honest, you will admit it is difficult to be in one another's company unless you are sure it will end in intimacy.
Love is the maturation of friendship. You must be friends before you can be lovers.
Infatuation lacks confidence. When he/she is away, you wonder if he/she's cheating. At times, you even check.
Love means trust. You are calm, secure and unthreatening. He/She feels that trust and it makes him/her even more trustworthy.
Infatuation might lead you to do things you'll regret later, Love never will.
Infatuation is almost always one sided but there can be no one sided love, love is love only when it is reciprocated
Love is an upper. It makes you look up. It makes you think up. It makes you a better person than you were before.
I find Love, Infatuation and Friendship(!!).. all entangled some times.
Or am I confused...? i donno..
@sari... yeah... it grows with experience.. but then again, I completely agree with the statement that it helps u mature as a person!
I feel u guys are talking of very 'idealistic love'. Selfless love without ego clashes!?!!!?.. i wonder such thing exists...
Love simplistically means having a strong and positive emotion of attraction,affection, endearment, passion, desire towards a person. The presence of such a person brings immense pleasure and meaning to your life.
Infatuation is the short-lived, impulsive, euphoric and foolish cousin of Love. Infatuation supposedly happens to adolescents and people who have a simplistic and glorified views about love. Infatuation wears down when the reality approaches and the euphoria dies down. Love is the mature cousin. It can understand reality and love someone inspite of it.
Suksy you have grabbed the essence right but facets of love and infatuation mingle so frequently for a normal person that its very difficult to draw a line whether you are in love or in an infatuation (when you fall for somebody).Only time will make it clear for you.
Btw Susky what are you searching for? Are you in love or still searcing for true love?? I hope everything is going fine with you